Switch List


Specifies the text comment


--Comment <text>


Specifies the text comment accompanying the .p7m archive ( text content of the message ) created by p7mTool

If the -ct switch has more than one value consecutive values will be appended to one another in the order of their appearance in the command line, joined with a single space character.

the value of --Comment switch is translated to unicode, using the current codepage. The Unicode content is then encoded using UTF-8 before storing in the output file.


p7mTool -cealice.cer -ct"I owe you $100" -sgbob.cer -of smime.p7m
p7mTool -flattachment.txt -ct*msgbody.txt -sgalice.cer > smime.p7m
p7mTool -ct -ctdisclaimer.txt -sgalice.cer -of smime.p7m

See also:

Switches: HtmlContentSwitches: FileListSwitches: AutoConvertHtmlSwitches: HtmlStationerySample: EncryptAttSample: HtmlEmail
Copyright © Cryptigo 2001-2013Last modified on  09 Jul 2004