Switch List


Generates certificate's thumbprint


--Thumbprint <name>|<file>


Generates certificate's thumbprint and sends it to the output. If more than one certificate matches the criteria, p7mTool lists all fingerprints.

name - any datum included in the certificate, e.g. email or common name. Stores My, AddressBook, CA and Root are searched for matching certificates. file - a filename from which the certificate is read.

The output is written to the output specified by the -of switch or to the standard output if the -of switch is not defined.


p7mTool -thalice.cer -ofalice.th.txt
p7mTool -thalice@p7mviewer.com -ofalice.th.txt;@OUTPUT

See also:

Switches: OutputFileSwitches: ImportCertSwitches: ExportCert
Copyright © Cryptigo 2001-2013Last modified on  09 Jul 2004