Switch List


Encrypts the output file.


--EncryptTo [<directory>|<filename>|<fingerprint>]+


Encrypts the output file. Certificates specified by the value are added to the list of certificates the message will be encrypted with.

fingerprint fingerprint of the certificate to encrypt to. p7mTool looks for the certificate in My, AddressBook, CA and Root stores.
filename path of the file containing a certificate to encrypt to
directory path of the directory, containing certificates to encrypt to. only files with .cer extension are read from the directory.

This switch must have at least one value, when present.


p7mtool -cealice.cer;cdef0123456789ABCDEF -ce..\certificates\bob.cer
p7mtool --EncryptTo*certlist.txt
p7mtool -ce certdir

See also:

Switches: SignWithSwitches: OutputFileSwitches: InputFileSwitches: FileListSample: AdvancedEncryptSample: EncryptAttSample: HtmlEx
Copyright © Cryptigo 2001-2013Last modified on  09 Jul 2004